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OAID - API Upgrade to Version 2.1.1

The OAID API has been updated to version 2.1.1, offering additional functionality.

Latest Developments:

  1. Ability to store additional information in "address_reference"
  2. Reading a site returns its relation details under "partners"

Create or Update Site: "address_reference"

The "address_reference" parameter type has been updated to an object type, allowing for the storage of the following key-value pairs:

  • "usr" - a reference key for the user
  • "agwr_adr" - the unique address code located in the Austrian AGWR (Adress-, Gebäude- und Wohnungsregister). You may provide either:
    • ADRCD - the 7-digit unique address code
    • ADRCD with SUBCD - the 10 to 11-digit unique address number, consisting of the ADRCD appended by the SUBCD (address subcode)
  • "agwr_obj" - the unique identification number for buildings in Austria
    • OBJNR - the 7-digit object number
    • OBJNR with NTZLNR - the 11-digit Object number with Nutzungseinheitlaufnummer (Object Number with utilization unit sequence number)
  • "pac" - 9-digit unique Post Address Code assigned by the Austrian Post Office

Read Site: "partners"

The relation data set in the "Create Infra Relation" endpoint can now be retrieved at the "Read Site" endpoint under the "partners" parameter. When reading the site, the reference URL is dynamically updated with the appropriate data.

Below is an example with relation data for a request at the "Create Infra Relation" endpoint and its corresponding response with the "Read Site" method. The received "partners" information from the latter endpoint has been highlighted in blue.

"pip": {
    "pip_code": "fiberpark",
    "company_name": "Fiberpark GmbH",
    "rtr_agg_id": 400, 
    "phone": "+43-1-987654321", 
    "email_to": "support@fiberpark-domain.at"
"ano": {
    "ano_code": "fiberano1",
    "company_name": "Fiber ANO One GmbH",
    "rtr_agg_id": 401,
    "phone": "+43-1-123456789",
    "email_to": "support@ano1-domain.at"
"reference_url": "https://httpbin.org/get?oaid={oaid}&center={center}&customer_reference={customer_reference}&pip_code={pip_code}"
  "oaid": "ABCD1234",
  "customer_reference": "loc01212-2442346",
  "token": "construction",
  "relation_names": [
  "status": "active",
  "address_reference": {
      "usr": "sdf-245-q3e",
      "agwr_adr": "7654321-001",
      "agwr_obj": "0006543",
      "pac": null
  "address": {
      "country": "AT",
      "zip": "1010",
      "city": "Wien",
      "street": "Stephansplatz",
      "hnr": null,
      "door": null,
      "addon": null
  "lot_id": "04321:16/2",
  "center": "48.20854733,16.37295900",
  "created_at": "2019-05-29T17:11:14.206+00:00",
  "modified_at": "2021-04-12T13:03:07.566+00:00",
  "partners": [
         "relation_name": "fiberano1-fiberpark",
         "pip": {
               "company_name": "Fiberpark GmbH",
               "rtr_agg_id": 400, 
               "phone": "+43-1-987654321", 
               "email_to": "support@fiberpark-domain.at", 
               "pip_code": "fiberpark"
         "ano": {
               "company_name": "Fiber ANO One GmbH",
               "rtr_agg_id": 401,
               "phone": "+43-1-123456789",
               "email_to": "support@ano1-domain.at",
               "ano_code": "fiberano1"
         "pip_url": "https://httpbin.org/get?oaid=ABCD1234&center=48.20854733,16.37295900&customer_reference=loc01212-2442346&pip_code=fiberpark"