OAID - v2.2 Upgrade: No Offset Pagination
The latest update on the OAID API introduces No Offset Pagination (or Cursor Pagination) for two endpoints:
The latest update on the OAID API introduces No Offset Pagination (or Cursor Pagination) for two endpoints:
The v1 OAID API for production has been discontinued and replaced by the v2 API. Any attempts to access the v1 API will be redirected to the OAID Documentation.
We have launched a new version of the Lots API. The latest version brings new endpoints under the "Kataster" service: "Grundstücke" and "Grundstück / LotID".
The OAID API has been updated to version 2.1.1, offering additional functionality.
The OAID blogs previously hosted on oaid.at have been integrated into the Yio blog.
The Demo OAID API v1 has been deactivated and migrated to v2. To continue testing with the Demo API, please use the following link for the updated version:
Demo API v2: https://api-demo.oaid.at/v2/pip/redoc
The OAID API has recently been updated, introducing several modifications to the API. In this blog, we break down the key differences to requesting and confirming an OAID between versions v1 and v2.
A new feature has been developed to enhance documents using yioTeX within the Tools API.
has been added as our newest geocoding provider to the Tools API endpoint "Geocode Address".
'doris' has long been our exclusive and highly accurate geospatial data provider for the Tools API endpoint "Geocode Address". Now, we are thrilled to announce that we have integrated additional options!